
Your first Visit and what to expect

We all were new, at one time, and we remember what it's like. So we've provided the information below, knowing that it's easier to venture into a new place when you know what to expect.

Our congregation spans a wide range of ages and backgrounds. The pastors on-stage dress conservatively, but you'll see people in the pews dressed in all styles—from jeans to business suits. Our worship style is “blended"—meaning that services include both traditional and contemporary music.

Each service lasts for about one hour sometimes more, but we try to stay open to the Spirit’s leading if more is needed to be said. Our lay person will encourage you to greet the people sitting around you, but no one will single you out as a visitor. Also, we don't expect our visitors to give. So feel free to let the offering plate pass by when it comes down your row. The only thing we ask is for you to place your visitor information form so we can get better acquainted. Kids are welcome to attend worship services. In the event you have a crying infant there is a space located out in the foyer where seating is available so you can continue to hear the message.

If you have questions about worship or Sunday School classes, ask the volunteers at the front of the foyer they will direct you to the appropriate class room.

If you need to talk or pray with someone about a personal struggle, alert the Pastor as you exit and he will meet with you after everyone has been dismissed. You can also set up an appointment to meet with him in your own home. He is available to you, just let him know your need.

Getting connected at Bethel is all about relationships that get beneath the surface. Those kinds of relationships won’t come simply by attending worship services. They take time. One way to get connected is to join a fellowship group or Bible study.

Serving others also deepens your relationship with God and His people. We offer a variety of service opportunities that will connect you with others who desire to serve God and others.
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